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Cotton South

Size: 2,375.12 kWp
Location: Granada (ES)
Production: 4,949,424 kWh
CO2 reductions: 1,925.01 tons


Capacity: 500 kW / 522 kWh
Location: Katrineholm (SE)
Client: Jan Persson
Application: Ancillary services
Agreement: Land lease

Fryken Sol

Capacity: 1,000 kW / 1,100 kWh
Location: Värmland (SE)
Client: Fryken Sol AB
Application: Ancillary services and BaaS
Agreement: Partnership


Size: 28.08 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Futuelectronica SAS
Production: 45,341 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 18.00 tons per year


Size: 130.80 kWp
Location: Cundinamarca (CO)
Client: Espumados SA.
Production: 194,898 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 76.00 tons per year


Capacity: 150 kW / 240 kWh
Location: Uppsala (SE)
Client: Uppsala Science Park KB
Application: Ancillary services
Agreement: Land lease
Battery Energy Storage System in Mariestad, Sweden


Capacity: 1,000 kW / 1,470 kWh
Location: Mariestad (SE)
Client: VänerEnergi AB
Application: Peak-shaving and ancillary services
Agreement: Battery as a Service (BaaS)


Capacity: 2,300 kW / 2,600 kWh
Location: Töreboda (SE)
Client: VänerEnergi AB
Application: Peak-shaving and ancillary services
Agreement: Battery as a Service (BaaS)

Recap IV

Size: 104 kWp
Location: Minas Gerais (BR)
Client: Norten
Production: 167,400 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 66.96 ton per year


Size: 979.9 kWp
Location: Comunidad Valenciana (ES)
Client: Decocer S.A.
Production: 1,406,000 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 618.6 tons per year

Rosa Gres

Size: 2,001.00 kWp
Location: Cataluña (ES)
Client: Rosa Gres S.L.
Production: 2,631,000 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 1157.6 tons per year
Subsidy: "Proyecto acogido al programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como a la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU."

Inés Rosales

Size: 708.10 kWp
Location: Andalucía (ES)
Client: Inés Rosales S.A.
Production: 1,022,479 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 397.75 tons per year

Hmnos. Gallego

Size: 117.60 kWp
Location: Andalucía (ES)
Client: Hermanos Gallego Fdez. S.L.
Production: 184,900 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 81.83 tons per year

Recap III

Size: 104 kWp
Location: Minas Gerais (BR)
Client: Norten
Production: 167,400 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 66.96 ton per year

Recap II

Size: 104 kWp
Location: Minas Gerais (BR)
Client: Norten
Production: 167,400 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 66.96 ton per year

Recap I

Size: 104 kWp
Location: Minas Gerais (BR)
Client: Finehra
Production: 167,400 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 66.96 ton per year

Cutelaria Martins

Size: 40.70 kWp
Location: Palaçoulo (PT)
Client: Cutelaria Martins
Production: 60,210 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 22.28 tons per year

Cerámica Da Vinci

Size: 132.0 kWp
Location: Comunidad Valenciana (ES)
Client: Cerámica Da Vinci S.L.
Production: 178,600 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 78.58 tons per year

Son Mascaro

Size: 3,600 kWp
Location: Islas Baleares, Santa Eugenia (ES)
Client: Recap Solar Fund Mallorca
Production: 5,580,000 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 4,326.73 tons per year

Junipero Serra

Size: 12,001.32 kWp
Location: Islas Baleares, Sa Pobla (ES)
Client: Recap Solar Fund Mallorca
Production: 18,637,000 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 14,451.13 tons per year

Antonio Barcelo

Size: 2,948.4 kWp
Location: Islas Baleares, Sa Pobla (ES)
Client: Recap Solar Fund Mallorca
Production: 4,514,806 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 3,500.78 tons per year

Cine Multi

Size: 17.83 kWp
Location: Santa Catarina (BR)
Client: Cine Multi LTDA.
Production: 19,162 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 7.32 tons per year

Costelaria Rio Tavares

Size: 17.80 kWp
Location: Santa Catarina (BR)
Client: Costelaria Rio Tavares
Production: 18,505 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 7.33 tons per year

RPM Bodega 3

Size: 275.02 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: RPM Colombia S.A.S.
Production: 383,373 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 149.13 tons per year

Salud Social

Size: 128.03 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Salud Social S.A.S.
Production: 209,830 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 81.62 tons per year


Size: 33.01 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Servicios Médicos del Caribe
Production: 49,730 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 19.35 tons per year

RPM Colombia Bodega 2

Size: 289.50 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: RPM Colombia S.A.S.
Production: 401,778 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 156.29 tons per year

Oikos Tocancipa

Size: 41.73 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Centro Industrial y Empresarial Oikos Tocancipa
Production: 57,241 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 22.27 tons per year


Size: 19.83 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Alangraph Ltda.
Production: 25,914 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 10.08 tons per year

Industria Articueros

Size: 678.68 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Industria Articueros S.A.S.
Production: 1,116,900 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 434.47 tons per year


Size: 436.16 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Compañia Nacional de Textiles S.A.S.
Production: 714,400 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 277.90 tons per year

Laboratorios Aseptic

Size: 141.94 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Laboratorios Aseptic S.A.S.
Production: 242,323 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 94.26 tons per year

Liceo Francés Medellín

Size: 27.90 kWp
Location: Medellín (CO)
Client: Lycée Français de Medellin
Production: 43,083 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 16.76 tons per year


Size: 185.10 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Barranquilla Industrial de Confecciones S.A.
Production: 313,678 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 122.02 tons per year

Colegio Los Nogales

Size: 123.12 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Colegio Los Nogales
Production: 151,756 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 59.03 tons per year


Size: 243.80 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Icoltrans S.A.S.
Production: 341,420 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 132.81 tons per year

Lácteos Campo Real

Size: 24.01 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Lácteos Campo Real S.A.S. BIC
Production: 36,178 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 14.07 tons per year

Colegio Claretiano

Size: 60.75 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Colegio Claretiano de Bosa
Production: 91,609 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 35.64 tons per year


Size: 124.20 kWp
Location: São João da Madeira (PT)
Client: FLEXITEX - Fábrica de Tecidos S.A.
Production: 160,259 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 62.34 tons per year
Teide refractarios, pv istallation, rooftop solar, spain

Teide Refractarios

Size: 375.75 kWp
Location: Cataluña (ES)
Client: Teide Regractory Solutions S.L.
Production: 571,141 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 222,18 tons per year

Colegio Árula

Size: 99.00 kWp
Location: Madrid (ES)
Client: Árula S.C.M.
Production: 166,470 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 64.76 tons per year

La Devesa

Size: 99.68 kWp
Location: Comunidad Valenciana (ES)
Client: Martí Sorolla Cooperativa Valenciana
Production: 167,450 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 65.14 tons per year


Size: 120.40 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Extremarmol S.L.
Production: 194,609 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 75.70 tons per year

Segura e Hijos

Size: 49.28 kWp
Location: Madrid (ES)
Client: Segura e Hijos S.A.
Production: 75,340 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 29.31 tons per year


Size: 55.04 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Frioal Productos Congelados S.L.
Production: 96,125 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 37.39 tons per year

Gema & Crima – Fase II

Size: 29.24 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: GE. MA. & CRI. MA. S.L.
Production: 46,889 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 18.24 tons per year


Size: 100.10 kWp
Location: Cataluña (ES)
Client: Ecoplast Montmelo S.L.
Production: 141,690 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 55.11 tons per year

Cepsa Los Portales

Size: 21.06 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Moreno Y Henríquez e Hijas S.L.
Production: 34,299 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 13.34 tons per year


Size: 98.28 kWp
Location: Castilla la Mancha (ES)
Client: Vasomadrid S.L.
Production: 149,221 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 58.05 tons per year

Piedras Ornamentales

Size: 100.62 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Piedras Ornamentales Extremeñas S.L.
Production: 153,034 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 59.53 tons per year


Size: 32.34 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Sediaco S.C.L.
Production: 48,477 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 18.86 tons per year

Viticulores de Barro

Size: 62.37 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: S.A.T.N. 4978 Viticultores de Barro
Production: 104,774 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 40.76 tons per year

Integra2 Mérida

Size: 53.13 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Transportes Extremeños Ramon SL
Production: 80,903 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 31.47 tons per year

Integra2 Navalmoral

Size: 40.56 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Transportes Extremeños Ramon SL
Production: 59,950 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 23.32 tons per year

Incubadora San Lorenzo

Size: 18.30 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Incubadora San Lorenzo S.L.
Production: 28,470 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 11.07 tons per year

Hermanos Trejo

Size: 60.84 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Granitos Hermanos Trejo S.L.
Production: 100,557 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 39.12 tons per year

Porcinas Chajema

Size: 77.22 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Porcinas Chajema S.L.
Production: 115,430 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 44.90 tons per year

Agropecuaria de Izcala

Size: 35.69 kWp
Location: Castilla y León (ES)
Client: Agropecuaria de Izcala S.L.
Production: 52,227 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 20.32 tons per year

Residencia Armendariz

Size: 124.74 kWp
Location: Andalucía (ES)
Client: Residencia Armendáriz Condequinto S.L.
Production: 208,214 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 80.99 tons per year

Cubitos de La Sierra

Size: 34.32 kWp
Location: Castilla la Mancha (ES)
Client: Cubitos de La Sierra S.L.
Production: 55,182 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 21.47 tons per year

Maven e Hijos

Size: 113.46 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Maven e Hijos S.L.
Production: 173,296 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 67.41 tons per year

Gema & Crima

Size: 29.70 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: GE.MA. & CRI. MA. S.L.
Production: 46,291 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 18.01 tons per year

Residencia de Ancianos Tristán

Size: 30.03 kWp
Location: Andalucía (ES)
Client: Residencia de Ancianos Tristán Sca De Is
Production: 51,777 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 20.14 tons per year

Agromonte Gachancipa

Size: 25.62 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: C.I. Agromonte S.A.S.
Production: 32,328 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 12.58 tons per year

Hostal Real

Size: 34.32 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Hostal Real S.L.
Production: 52,864 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 20.56 tons per year

ES Repsol Palo Blanco

Size: 20.13 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Petróleos Marinos de Canarias S.L.
Production: 32,209 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 12.53 tons per year


Size: 38.50 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Sdad Coop de Taxistas de Telde
Production: 68,165 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 26.52 tons per year

ES Repsol Playa Blanca

Size: 19.52 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Petróleos Marinos de Canarias S.L.
Production: 34,025 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 13.24 tons per year

Castro Ojeda

Size: 36.91 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Castro Ojeda Carnes y Pescado S.L.
Production: 64,562 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 25.11 tons per year

ES El Botánico

Size: 22.00 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Labrador La Cañada S.L.
Production: 45,443 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 17.68 tons per year

Quintana Jinamar

Size: 26.40 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Instaladora Quintana S.A.
Production: 47,111 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 18.32 tons per year

Coelca Azufrera

Size: 9.88 kWp
Location: Canarias (ES)
Client: Comercial Eléctrica Canarias S.A.
Production: 14,797 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 5.76 tons per year


Size: 21.08 kWp
Location: Bangalore (IN)
Client: Bangalore Hospice Trust
Production: 36,000 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 3.28 tons per year

Multi-Open Shopping

Size: 52.25 kWp
Location: Santa Catarina (BR)
Client: Condominio Edificio Comercial Multi
Production: 55,336 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 21.69 tons per year

C.C. Atlántico

Size: 320.40 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: C. C. Nuestro Atlántico
Production: 448,920 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 174.63 tons per year

RPM Colombia

Size: 292.34 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: RPM Colombia
Production: 419,000 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 162.99 tons per year


Size: 99.98 kWp
Location: Barranquilla (CO)
Client: Impuche
Production: 168,354 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 65.49 tons per year

Gabriel de Colombia

Size: 320.01 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: Gabriel de Colombia
Production: 453,670 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 172.28 tons per year

El Tambor

Size: 19.22 kWp
Location: Bogotá (CO)
Client: El Tambor
Production: 23,425 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 9.11 tons per year

Gomà Camps

Size: 5,041.3 kWp
Location: Aragón (ES)
Client: Goma Camps Consumer SL
Production: 8,011,325 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 3,116.43 tons per year
Subsidy: Proyecto acogido al programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como a la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, financiado por la Unión Europea - NextGenerationEU.
danosa, pv istallation, rooftop solar


Size: 2,416.05 kWp
Location: Castilla la Mancha (ES)
Client: Derivados Asfálticos Normalizados, S.A.
Production: 3,468,255 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 1,349.16 tons per year

Cotton South SL

Size: 2,375.12 kWp
Location: Andalucia (ES)
Client: Cotton South, S.L.
Production: 4,949,424 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 1,925.01 tons per year


Size: 310.64 kWp
Location: Comunidad Valenciana (ES)
Client: Moldexpan SA
Production: 471,120 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 183.27 tons per year


Size: 491.49 kWp
Location: Castilla la Mancha (ES)
Client: Grupo Avícola Rujamar SL
Production: 739,335 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 287.60 tons per year


Size: 236.25 kWp
Location: Comunidad Valenciana (ES)
Client: Almuplas SL
Production: 354,469 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 137.89 tons per year

CC Magic

Size: 1,000.5 kWp
Location: Cataluña (ES)
Client: Vila de Badalona SL
Production: 1,424,682 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 554.21 tons per year

Sabores de Guijuelo

Size: 261.44 kWp
Location: Castilla y León (ES)
Client: Sabores de Guijuelo SL
Production: 519,706 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 202.18 tons per year

Residencia Armendariz

Size: 124.74 kWp
Location: Andalucia (ES)
Client: Residencia Armendáriz Condequinto SL
Production: 208,214 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 80.99 tons per year

Jamones Mallo

Size: 100.32 kWp
Location: Extremadura (ES)
Client: Jamones y Embutidos Mallo SL
Production: 151,837 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 59.07 tons per year


Size: 197.83 kWp
Location: Castilla la Mancha (ES)
Client: Carbones y Sepiolitas SL
Production: 289,408 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 112.58 tons per year


Size: 134.68 kWp
Location: Braga (PT)
Client: Qualistamp Lda.
Production: 193,820 kWh per year
CO2 reductions: 75.40 tons per year